Monday, 3 March 2014

Leftovers Nightmare

Good evening Teaspoons,

Argh!!! I can't stop eating little random bites! It's frustrating me! There's some leftover noodles on the counter and I can't seem to stop eating little bites! So I told the leftovers (yes out loud) "you won't win! I'm not eating any more noodles!" I might seem crazy, but hey, if it works, why not! 

Hope you're doing better than me at staying on track! 

Point plus target: 28 pts

1 banana : 0 pt
Lightly sweetened oats: 3 pts
Milk: 1 pt

WW English muffin: 3 pts
Cheese: 1 pt
Yogurt: 2 pts
Soup: 2 pts

Tuna Helper (2 cups): 14 pts

Fat Free Pudding: 2 pts

Day's total:  28 pts
Activity points gained: 2 pts

1 comment:

  1. I can't say I'm doing better than you, but I can't surely say that having someone to share this challenging journey with makes it easier. We have to remind ourselves that the 3rd, 4th and 5th bite, tastes exactly like the first one. Thanks for the support! I <3 u!
