Friday 16 May 2014

Patio and Bike Season

Good morning Teaspoons,

I’m really the worst at being consistent on this blog lately!

Little update:  Last week, I gained 1.8 pounds and this week, I lost 0.6 pounds.  I’m yo-yoing a lot lately and I know exactly why:  I’m not writing down what I eat and with the nice weather, I’m drinking a little more alcohol then usual (hello patio season!).

This said I’m still not discouraged.  I’m still running 3 times a weeks (I’m now at 10 minutes run + 5 minutes walk + 10 minutes run).  All I need to do now is track EVERYTHING (even my drinks) and I should start losing again.

My friend Sarah was over for a visit and she was telling me that one of her friend lost over 70 pounds and started going to the gym and even bought herself a bicycle to get around town!  I’m so very proud of you Emilie!!! Good job girl!!! Keep going!  You will get to your goal!  I’m sure of it.  Her goal is to lose 5 pounds in the next two weeks! Go Emilie GO! Get those legs moving and that healthy eating going. 

I get super excited when people take their weight into their own hands and start seeing results.  I know how hard it is.  The scale goes up and down and your emotions all around but you have to keep in mind why you are living a healthier life and why you it’s worth doing all these sacrifices.

Till next time (hopefully sooner than later), keep your head up and do like Emilie, get your bike out!  I'm going to get my baby out this weekend! 
                                                               Here's my baby! ;)

Friday 2 May 2014

Just Keep Swimming

Good evening teaspoons!

Holly Molly I haven't written in ages!!! I'm soooo sorry!!!! 

So here's an update!
I'm still running three times a week! After 3 and a half weeks of running, of drinking 2 litres of water a day, of watching what I eat and of completely cutting out carbs at lunch time, I finaly lost some weight! Yay me! I lost 2.4 pounds this week that I don't wish to see ever again on my body!!! 

Here's a pic of me running in the rain a fee weeks ago and then one of today's run! I'm red as heck but means I'm working hard!! 

How are YOUR weight loss journey going? Give me some news :)

Friday 18 April 2014

Easter Weekend

Good morning Teaspoons! 

It's Friday morning and I'm still lounging in bed... Why am I not working you ask? Because it's Good Friday! I'm looking foward to the long weekend and my parents visiting but I'm really scared about my diet taking a hit. For tonight, I've prepared a huge lasagna. I know, not the best choice. I'm planning on pairing it with a green healthy salad instea of the usually creamy (fatning) ceaser salade. I'm going to try to resist taking a big piece of lasagna and only take a small one and fill the rest of my plate with salad. I'm still going to have a glass of wine but not go overboard. And finaly, I'm going to go running today to have extra points. 
Tomorrow, I'm making chicken so that should be alright. And then my dad is making a huge ham on Sunday. All this food in such a short weekend. I just have to be smart at breakfast and lunch and make good healthy choices. I also have to remind myself why I'm doing all of this.

On that, have a GREAT Easter Teaspoons!!!!

Monday 14 April 2014

On The Run Again

Good evening Teaspoons!

I started running again! Now that the good weather is finaly here and there's less wind (since I now live in the woods), I finaly convinced myself to lace up my shoes! So hopefully, in 10 weeks, I'll be able to run 5K! I never did a 5K before but came close to it. So I'm going to try it again! 

                  Yay! The sun is here! 
                  Let's stretch and run!

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Snowed In!

Good day Teaspoons!

Sorry about my absence last night: our electricity went out around 4 pm and we only got it back this morning around 10 am.

Weight-in went better than I anticipated. I gained 0.6 pounds. I thought I would of gained much more because I feel so tight in my pants. This said, I'm not happy with myself. In the last two weeks, I have gained a total of 1.8 pounds. It's so crazy how fast we can gain wait but how much time it takes to lose it again!! 

But hey! I'm back on track since Tuesday. We are moving today but I'm still going to try my best to make smart choices in between emptying boxes. 

How did your weight-in go? 
We had quite a storm yesterday! Here's a picture of the car with the snow! 

Till next time, keep warm my Teaspoons!  

Awesome New Recipe!

Good day Teaspoons! 

One good thing about being on a diet? You try to find new recipes that are tasty but low in point plus value! Yes I've tried lots of recipes who just didn't make the cut! However, here's one that hits the mark! It's easy to make and easy on the points ;) I made it with one cup of rice noodles so calculated 5 pts for the noodles, 3 points for 2 oz. of beef and 2 points for the broth (I estimated here). It's super tasty because of all the herbs and spices! Give it a try :)

             Sooooo yummy and filing! 


Monday 7 April 2014

Little Update

Good evening! 

Little little fast update: had a great weekend! Saturday, went to a friend's house where we had fondu.We only had chicken, shrimps and veggies so it was a lean meal. On sunday, I went out for brunch with my boyfriend and resisted bacon! Yay me! Had a beautiful omelette! It was yummy! 

I'm happy to say that since last Wednesday, I've drank two litres of water This is a huge improvement for me because I never used to drink any water. We'll see in two days if it will makes a difference on the scale. I'm really happy with myself because I tracked all week. The only thing left to do is to start working out again! I know I can do it but I find that I'm having a hard time convincing myself to workout now that I arrive later from work than before because we moved ( so im further from work). I should still make place in my day for exercising. I keep thinking of my friend Melissa who exercises at 10 pm at night after her daughter is in bed! If she can do it at 10pm, I can certainly do it at 8pm!

Even though I've been doing really well this week, I don't expect much from the scale on Wednesday. I've been having bad habits lately so I know that it will take more then one week of staying on track to see results! I'm motivated to continue!!

Till next time, keep on tracking!