Friday, 18 April 2014

Easter Weekend

Good morning Teaspoons! 

It's Friday morning and I'm still lounging in bed... Why am I not working you ask? Because it's Good Friday! I'm looking foward to the long weekend and my parents visiting but I'm really scared about my diet taking a hit. For tonight, I've prepared a huge lasagna. I know, not the best choice. I'm planning on pairing it with a green healthy salad instea of the usually creamy (fatning) ceaser salade. I'm going to try to resist taking a big piece of lasagna and only take a small one and fill the rest of my plate with salad. I'm still going to have a glass of wine but not go overboard. And finaly, I'm going to go running today to have extra points. 
Tomorrow, I'm making chicken so that should be alright. And then my dad is making a huge ham on Sunday. All this food in such a short weekend. I just have to be smart at breakfast and lunch and make good healthy choices. I also have to remind myself why I'm doing all of this.

On that, have a GREAT Easter Teaspoons!!!!


  1. How did it go?? :)
    And Happy Easter to you too! xoxo

  2. I didn't track anything but was actualy doing ok... Until today! Had pizza delight for supper. Oh well! That's behind me! Back to salads for lunch for the rest of the week! Keeping my head up! How about you Melissa?
