Monday, 20 January 2014

A Quick Turn Aournd

Hello my dear Teaspoons!

How was your day?  I had one of those days.  The kind of day where you feel like you've gained weight because your pants are tight and you feel a little discourage.  I'm sure you've all felt like that at one time or another.  Well guess what, instead of dwelling on it, I decided to do something about it! When I got home from work, I put on my sneakers and went out in the freezing rain for a walk! Yes! Freezing rain!  At one point, I was walking against the wind and hail started to fall down.  I almost called my (skinny) boyfriend to come pick me up but instead, I started jogging.  I don't have the endurance to run far BUT it did warm me up pretty quickly which help me finish my walk.

When I got home and sat down at the computer, I saw that a friend of mine had wrote me on Facebook. When I clicked it open, I was so happy to read that my blog made her decide to join Weight Watchers! She might live in Austria but my words did get across the ocean to her.  This really turned my day around!  Even if I'm feeling a little discourage today, I'm happy to know that I'm taking small steps towards having a better and healthier life.

Let me know what YOU do to turn your day around when you are having "one of those days"!
Until tomorrow, keep on tracking my Teaspoons!

Point plus target: 29
Lightly sweetened quick oats (Apple cinnamon): 3 pts
1 banana : 0 pt
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts

WW English muffin: 3 pts
Fat free slice of cheese: 1 pt
Soup: 3 pts
Greek yogurt (0%): 2 pts
Blueberries: 0 pts

Apple: 0 pts

PC Blue Hamburger Bun: 4 pts
Extra Lean Ground Beef (4 oz.): 4 pts
Oil (2 t.spn): 2 pts
Green Salad: 0 pt
Potatoes (5 oz.): 3 pts

Fat free pudding: 2 pts

Day's total: 28 pts
Exercise Gained Points: 2 pts

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