Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Time To Hop Back On Track!

Good day Teaspoons,

I know, I know! I haven't been very present lately! I need a good slap on the hand! I'm super sorry about my absence and I won't be making any excuses today.  I'm even going to tell the truth: I've been going completely off track lately.  Since my detox, it seems like I just can't and won't control myself when it comes to food.  We had friends over last weekend and I bought a bunch of veggies and had my food scale out, ready to weight whatever I wanted to put in my mouth, but didn't use it. I'm the only one to blame.  I know better but I am just not doing what I know I should be doing, which is keep track of what I eat and exercise.

So weight-in day is just around the corner.  I know that   I will have gained quite a few pounds in the last two weeks because that's the price you pay when you go off track.  What to do now? I can either cry about it and feel bad about myself or use it as a new start and hop back on track.  I prefer the second option.  So here's to a new start! Ordered myself a salad for lunch today because frankly, I don't need to wait until weight-in to have a fresh start!

I will definitely write on here more often since you guys motivate me to make better choices and to continue on this journey.  I owe you all big THANKS because obviously, I can't do it on my own (the last two weeks are a proof of it).

Till tomorrow, keep your head high and hop back on track if you've also had a hard time lately.  It's NEVER too late!

Point plus target: 28 pts
Lightly sweetened quick oats (Apple cinnamon): 3 pts
1 banana : 0 pt
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts

1 cup of fresh melon: 0 pt

Green salad: 0 pts
Half an egg: 1 pts
Olive oil (2 teaspoons): 2 pts
Chicken: 2 pts
Cheese: 1 pt
Greek yogurt (0%): 2 pts

Eggs (2): 4 pts
WW English muffin: 3 pts
Potatoes: 3 pts
Smokes salmon: 3 pts
Cream cheese (light): 1 pt

Day's total: 26 pts

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Mister stress is here!

Mister stress is here and he's trying to push me off track! I'm in the middle of moving houses and there's so many things to think about that tracking seems to be the last thing on my mind! Crazy how life can sometimes trow you off your game! 

Good thing I have you guys to remind me to stay on track! Melissa wrote two comments in my blog tonight and it motivated me to write again after almost 5 days of absence! Thanks Mel! 

This said, I still wrote in my tracker what I ate but did eat little bites here and there and made some bad choices. At lease I recognize them and know what I have to change in order to continu to lose weight! 
We'll see tomorrow what the scale says! 

Till then, keep on exercising and tracking! 

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Detox Day 3

Good day teaspoons! 

Third day of the detox. It was also weight-in day. I lost 2.6 pounds this week. I'm not jumpin for joy because I know that I will be gaining it again after the detox but that's ok. I'm feeling healthy and learning a new way to eat so that's good. It shows me that I AM capable of following a diet and staying on track! Here's my breakfast this morning! They were called "love pancakes"! Not bad for vegan food ;) 

Detox Day 4

Good evening teaspoons! 

Last day of the detox tomorrow! I have to say the truth and let you all know how tired I am of the tahini sauce I have to put in almost every dish. I can't even smell it anymore! Wish I knew what I could replace it with. Any ideas? (Tahini is basically a sesame butter). If you do, please leave them in the comment box below. 

On a brighter note, for lunch I had to make sushi but instead of rice, I used cauliflower and quino. It was really good! Here's a picture of it! 

I'm still happy that I'm following this detox to the T and am doing my best to stay healthy! Hope you are staying on track too! 

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Detox Day Two

Good evening Teaspoons, 

Day two of my detox. It went well! I didn't imagine I would handle going vegan so well. This said, I don't think I could be vegan all the time. Five days, I can do. More, I'm not sure I could! I will therefore most definitely continue with WW after these five days. I must say that it's good to not eat carbs. This detox is showing me option to carbs, like cauliflower rice for exemple. 
Here's what I had for supper tonight! It was the best recipe of the detox until now. 

Red pepper stuffed with tofu, coriander, carrots, quinoa, cauliflower rice, zucchini, garlic, drizzled with lemon and balsamic vinegar. It was really good! I ate it with a glass of gazified water with mint and raspberries in it to add some taste. 

How is your week going? Let me know in the comment box below! 

Monday, 10 March 2014

March Break

March break is here! And already, I've been having a hard time staying on track. I had an all girls weekend. When we get together, we always do it around food. I did not weight anything or tracked anything. I'm quite disappointed in myself. But today, I'm back on track! Doing a detox to try to get rid of all my toxines. It's not easy! I'm already craving salt!!! It's only for 5 days. I CAN DO THIS! How is your march break going/went? 

Till tomorrow, keep on tacking! :)

Thursday, 6 March 2014

March Break Is Just Around The Corner

Good day Teaspoons! 

March break is coming up and scaring me ALOT!! I'm going home for 4 days and I already have a packed agenda where food is sure to be present! Tomorrow night, we're having a movie night with the girls. On the menu are nacho chips and pizza dips. Saturday night, we are having a few drinks at a friends house. I'm going to try to limit myself to one drink but it will take alot of will power since I haven't seen my friends in a long time so I'm going to feel like celebrating I'm sure. Sunday, I'm having friends over for a brunch. I'm going to make oatmeal, along with other things, in order to try to stay on track. 

I'm really going to do my best since I've been putting alot of effort in this journey till now. 

How is your journey going? Let me know in the comment box below! I love hearing from you! 

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Fast Update

Hi teaspoons! 

I totally forgot to write tonight so it's going to be a short one since I'm going to bed! I absolutely wanted to write you to let you know that I lost EXACTLY 1 pound today!!!! I reached my goal for this week and this means I'm half way to my ultimate goal! So all in all, I lost 16 pounds and have another 16 to lose! 

Night everyone!

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Wait And See

Good day Teaspoons! 

Weight-in day tomorrow! What's it gona be? We'll have to wait and see! I must admit that I will be quite disappointed if I don't lose the pound I wanted to lose this week since I did one to two 30 minutes workout per day. I didn't skip one day! So let's see what the scale says tomorrow! Hopefully I'd will have reach my weekly goal of one pound! 

Stay tuned...

Monday, 3 March 2014

Leftovers Nightmare

Good evening Teaspoons,

Argh!!! I can't stop eating little random bites! It's frustrating me! There's some leftover noodles on the counter and I can't seem to stop eating little bites! So I told the leftovers (yes out loud) "you won't win! I'm not eating any more noodles!" I might seem crazy, but hey, if it works, why not! 

Hope you're doing better than me at staying on track! 

Point plus target: 28 pts

1 banana : 0 pt
Lightly sweetened oats: 3 pts
Milk: 1 pt

WW English muffin: 3 pts
Cheese: 1 pt
Yogurt: 2 pts
Soup: 2 pts

Tuna Helper (2 cups): 14 pts

Fat Free Pudding: 2 pts

Day's total:  28 pts
Activity points gained: 2 pts

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Weekend Success!

Good day Teaspoons! 
Well I did it! I went to my friend's house for supper on Saturday night and only went over my daily points allowance by 1 point and in reality, I didn't really go over my points because I had done two workouts on Saturday so I had some exercise points stored up that I could use. In order to stay on track, I ate some yogurt with fruits before going so I wouldn't be too famished when I got there and I said I would bring dessert. I brought frozen yogurt with fresh raspberries. It was a perfect way to end a great supper! I allowed myself one and a half glasses of wine and made sure to tracked those points too! All in all, it went really well and I had a great time with great friends! Thanks Paula and Pat! 

           Yogurt with fruits and oats

I tried yoga for the first time Friday night. I was home alone so I decided to give it a try. I followed a 30mins yoga video to boost my metabolism. Since Friday, I have done it 3 times and really like it! It's fun to try new things sometimes. That way, you don't get bored of the same routine! 

Hope you all had a great weekend my friends! Time to cook a healthy supper!