Thursday 6 March 2014

March Break Is Just Around The Corner

Good day Teaspoons! 

March break is coming up and scaring me ALOT!! I'm going home for 4 days and I already have a packed agenda where food is sure to be present! Tomorrow night, we're having a movie night with the girls. On the menu are nacho chips and pizza dips. Saturday night, we are having a few drinks at a friends house. I'm going to try to limit myself to one drink but it will take alot of will power since I haven't seen my friends in a long time so I'm going to feel like celebrating I'm sure. Sunday, I'm having friends over for a brunch. I'm going to make oatmeal, along with other things, in order to try to stay on track. 

I'm really going to do my best since I've been putting alot of effort in this journey till now. 

How is your journey going? Let me know in the comment box below! I love hearing from you! 

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