Sunday 2 March 2014

Weekend Success!

Good day Teaspoons! 
Well I did it! I went to my friend's house for supper on Saturday night and only went over my daily points allowance by 1 point and in reality, I didn't really go over my points because I had done two workouts on Saturday so I had some exercise points stored up that I could use. In order to stay on track, I ate some yogurt with fruits before going so I wouldn't be too famished when I got there and I said I would bring dessert. I brought frozen yogurt with fresh raspberries. It was a perfect way to end a great supper! I allowed myself one and a half glasses of wine and made sure to tracked those points too! All in all, it went really well and I had a great time with great friends! Thanks Paula and Pat! 

           Yogurt with fruits and oats

I tried yoga for the first time Friday night. I was home alone so I decided to give it a try. I followed a 30mins yoga video to boost my metabolism. Since Friday, I have done it 3 times and really like it! It's fun to try new things sometimes. That way, you don't get bored of the same routine! 

Hope you all had a great weekend my friends! Time to cook a healthy supper!

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