Friday, 28 February 2014

Supper With Friends

Good evening Teaspoons! 

Last night, my friend texted me to invite me for supper this coming Saturday. While I was texting that I wouldn't go because I didn't want to jeopardize my diet, I decided to scrap that text and response that yes, I would go! I decided that I wasn't going to be a hermit because I was on a diet. I don't want to miss out on some fun because I'm on Weight Watchers. Plus, I need to learn how to control myself around food and when out of my comfort zone! So here's to learning how to survive a supper with friends without going off track! I'm definitely going to do a good workout before going, so that way, I'll have a little leg room! 

I'll let you know on Sunday how it all went down!

Point plus target: 28 pts
Lightly sweetened quick oats (Apple cinnamon): 3 pts
1 banana : 0 pt
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts

Soup: 2 pts
WW bagel: 3 pts 
Cheese: 1 pts
Greek yogurt (0%): 2 pts

Apple: 0 pts

Rappie Pie: 12 pts
Salad: 0 pts
Cheese: 1 pt
Salad dressing: 1 pt

Fat free pudding: 2 pts

Day's total: 28 pts
Activity points gained: 2 pts

Thursday, 27 February 2014

All Around Good Day!

Good evening Teaspoons,

Another great day on my Weight Watchers journey! Made myself a great lunch, came home, did my little workout (with heavier dumbbells) and then cooked a good healthy supper. Trying to keep busy now making homemade soup for my lunches next week! After all, planing and prepping is the key!

Point plus target: 28 pts
Lightly sweetened quick oats (Apple cinnamon): 3 pts
1 banana : 0 pt
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts

Soup: 3 pts
WW bagel: 3 pts 
Cheese: 2 pts
Greek yogurt (0%): 2 pts

Apple: 0 pts

Chicken breast: 5 pts
Salad: 0 pts
Salad dressing: 4 pts

Fat free pudding: 2 pts

Day's total: 25 pts
Activity points gained: 2 pts

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Another Pound Bites The Dust

Good day Teaspoons!

I'm super happy to tell you that I've lost another 1.4 pounds this week for a total of 15 pounds since January 6th (and 75 pounds since the very first time I joined Weight Watchers back in 2012).  I have another 17 pounds to lose to be at the weight where I want to be.  It might not be the same goal as other people would want me to have, but it's a weight that I'm comfortable with and that's what counts!

I'm also happy to announce that I did it!  I found one reason WHY I was doing this whole process every day last week.  It helped me get motivated for sure!

Here's a Ted Talk that I listened to the other night.  I'm not necessarily buying everything she's saying (we can all have our own opinions), but I did like the bit at the end where she talks about accepting yourself how you are and knowing that you are beautiful just the way you are, weather you are skinny, fat or at your ideal healthy weight.

Let me know how YOU did this week! :)

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Yes You Can Eat That!

Good evening Teaspoons!

While the (skinny) boyfriend is away for the week, I didn't feel like making a big supper so I decided on making breakfast for supper! How ever said you can't eat what you like on a diet is wrong! Here's my awesome supper/breakfast! All of it was 11 points plus! 

Tomorrow is weight-in day! I did four workouts this week and tracked my (almost) all my points (I did grab a few chips from the bag on two occasions this week). I'll let you know tomorrow how it the weight-in went! 

Till then, keep on tracking! 

Point plus target: 28 pts
Lightly sweetened quick oats (Apple cinnamon): 3 pts
1 banana : 0 pt
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts

1 apple: 0 pt

Green salad: 0 pts
Half an egg: 1 pts
Olive oil (2 teaspoons): 2 pts
Chicken: 2 pts
Cheese: 1 pt
Greek yogurt (0%): 2 pts

Eggs (2): 4 pts
WW English muffin: 3 pts
Potatoes: 3 pts
Ham: 1 pt
Asparagus: 0 pt

Fat free pudding: 2 pts

Day's total: 25 pts

Monday, 24 February 2014

Tips and Tricks

Good day Teaspoons!

I'm seeking ideas today! After catching the end of Queen's Latifah talk show today after my work out, I was wondering what YOU do to lose weight? They were giving some tips on the show: eat green veggies, eat citrus fruits, take pro-biotic, always have a tea tumbler with you for green tea on the go and of course, exercise. Do you have "go-to" things/tricks that you do that help you shred the pounds and/or keep healthy? Let me know in the comment box bellow! 

Here's a picture of the stairs I climbed up and down today during my workout! 

Till next time, keep on moving and tracking! 

1 banana : 0 pt
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts
Lightly sweetened oats: 3 pts

WW bagel: 3 pts
Fat free cheese slice: 1 pt
Ham: 1 pt
Greek Yogurt (0%): 2 pts

Apple: 0 pt
Yellow peppers: 0 pt
Hummus: 1 pt

Spaghetti (1 and 1/2 cup): 8 pts
Spaghetti sauce: 3 pts

Fat free pudding: 2 pts
Rice Krispies: 2 pts
Milk: 1 pt

Day's total:  28 pts
Activity points gained today: 2 pts

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Do YOUR Best

Good Day Teaspoons! 

I was reading my friend's blog about weight loss and she was saying how hard it is to follow our good eating habits on weekends. Do you feel the same way? I sure do! We seem programmed to "let go" on weekends; let go of stress from work, let go of our good sleeping habits, let go of our exercise schedual and finally, let go of our good eating habits. Another reason why I think it's so hard on weekend it's because we aren't in our regular routine. We are out and about and are tempted to eat whatever is easiest. To avoid all of this, I try to plan what I'm going to eat on the weekend on Friday night. This way, I can plan ahead and have a clear vision of my weekend. Don't get me wrong, I usually cave in and eat a few chips. I did cave in yesterday and since I couldn't go back and "un-eat" them, I did a small workout. All this to say, try to plan ahead and don't get too frustrated if you do happen to go a little off track. Just try to do better the next day. 
If you want to follow my friend's blog, here it is:

On a little side note, good job to the Canadian hockey boys for doing THEIR best and for winnings the gold at the Olympics! 

Friday, 21 February 2014

I Did It!

Good evening Teaspoons!

I did it!!! I went into the City and did not go over my point limit! This morning, I took Meli's tip and made myself some oatmeal with my hotel room coffee machine. The agenda was saying we were going to have muffins and croissants at the meeting for breakfast so I made sure not to arrive hungry. Because I had ate breakfast, I took a couple of fruit and was satisfied. 
For lunch, I got lucky because they were serving soup and wraps. I had to estimate the point plus value but I did my best. For supper, I made myself a little breakfast sandwich and then had a quick workout. Just goes to show: when there's a will, there's a way! 

Hope you have a wonderful weekend full of happiness! 
Till next time, keep on tracking and dishing in the comment box below!

Point plus target: 28 pts

1 banana : 0 pt
Lightly sweetened oats: 3 pts
Fruits: 0 pts

Wrap: 4 pts

Mayo: 2 pts
Chicken: 2 pts
Soup: 5 pts

WW Bagel: 3 pts
Cheese: 1 pt
Ham: 1 pt
Egg: 2 pts
Potatoes: 3 pts

Fat Free Pudding: 2 pts

Day's total:  28 pts
Activity points gained: 2 pts

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Girl In The City

Good evening Teaspoons!

Here I am in the City trying to make smart food choices. I was in a rush trying to get to the hotel tonight because I have a meeting starting in 20 minutes (yes at 8:30pm...) and didn't know what to eat. So I stopped at a sushi bar and ordered a roll of sushi. It had some spicy mayo on it so I estimated 9 points for the roll. It was really yummy. I hadn't had sushi in a long time so it satisfied my craving. I had hummus with me so I ate some and now I'm ready to go to my meeting. For tomorrow meeting, our agenda says they they will serve muffins for breakfast. I know that muffins are usually a lot of points so I brought oatmeal with me and will get some hot water from the coffee machine in the morning. I don't know what they will serve for lunch so I'm planing to eat a small supper tomorrow (eggs with toast) in order to stay on track! Stay tuned to see if I'll be able to stay on track tomorrow!

Here's a picture of the room in the beautiful downtown Westin Hotel!

Point plus target: 28 pts

1 banana : 0 pt
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts
Lightly sweetened oats: 3 pts

WW bagel: 3 pts
Laughing cow: 1 pt
Soup: 2 pts
Greek Yogurt (0%): 2 pts

Apple: 0 pt
Strawberries: 0 pt

Sushi: 9 pts
Rice cakes (3): 3 pts
Hummus: 4 pts

Day's total:  28 pts

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

The First Gain Is The Hardest

Good evening Teaspoons,

Weight-in was today. First gain in 7 weeks. I gain 0.8 pounds. I'm not discourage but a little disappointed. This said, the gain is one more reason to shift in 2nd gear and continue this whole process. 

Today, my reason WHY I'm going trough this journey is to be able to feel good in the clothes I use to wear that are now too tight. I can't wait to fit in them again.

So instead of dwelling on the gain, I put my sneakers on today and did a little work out! So here's to not giving up! 

Tomorrow, I have to go to Halifax for some meetings. Like last time, I'm nervous  about going off track while there. I'm going to follow my tips from last time and try to do my best in the city. 

Till next time, keep your head up!

Point plus target: 28 pts
1 banana : 0 pt
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts
WW bread : 2 pts
Light penut butter: 2 pts

Hamburger helper (no meat): 8 pts

Pizza: 12 pts

Chocolate cake: 5 pts
Chips: 6 pts

Day's total:  36 pts
Activity points gained: 2 pts
Weekly points used today: 6 pts

Tuesday, 18 February 2014


Good evening Teaspoons,

As you all Know, I'm going trough this process with my good friend Melissa. Since she started Weight Watchers, she lost a whopping 25 pounds. Words can't  describe how proud I am of her. She started a blog today (you can find the web address below). She was saying how you must concentrate on WHY your going trough this whole weight loss process. I think it's a really good idea to constantly remind yourself WHY you're making all these changes in you life. My goal for the new week starting tomorrow is to write down, in my WW's tracker, one reason per day of why I'm going trough this journey. By doing this, I'm hoping to gain some motivation to continu following my plan. 

Here's her blog:

Lemme know YOUR reason for changing your life around !! 

Point plus target: 28 pts

1 banana : 0 pt
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts
Lightly sweetened oats: 3 pts

WW bagle: 3 pts
Fat free cheese slice: 1 pt
Ham: 1 pt
Greek Yogurt (0%): 2 pts

Apple: 0 pt
WW bread (1 slice) : 1 pt
Strawberries: 0 pt

Chili: 6 pts
Whole wheat pasta: 4 pts

Fat free pudding: 2 pts
Banana muffin: 2 pts

Day's total:  26 pts

Monday, 17 February 2014

Big boned

Good day Teaspoons,

I was wondering if you are like me and sometimes get mad when people try to tell you you're chubby/fat or even skinny (for my leaner friends out there) in a "friendly" way.  They'll say stuff like "you must be big boned" or "it must run in your family".  When a person tells me something like that, I show them my very tiny wrist and tell them "no, I'm like that because I ate my way here".  This answer is usually followed by an awkward silence and they usually leave me alone after that.  

When I hear comments like these ones, I feel like all my hard work isn't showing.  This is when I go back to my before picture and make a check list in my head of what has changed since the beginning of this journey. My favourite item to check off is how the way I feel about myself has change.  I now feel like I'm in charge of my own life and my weight won't dictate what I can and can not do anymore.  I'm more positive about the future and feel better in my own skin.  There's still going to be some ups and downs in this life long journey but comments like these just remind me of how I was feeling before compare to how I'm feeling now and give me the push I need to continue.  I've now decided to welcome these kinds of comments, even if I feel like people are putting emphasis on my weight, because they help me remind myself of how far I've come and how much I have to keep working at it.

Point plus target: 28 pts (NEW)
1 banana : 0 pt
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts
Lightly sweetened oats: 3 pts

WW bread (2 slices): 2 pts
Fat free cheese slice: 1 pt
Soup (Campbell's, 1 cup): 3 pts
Greek Yogurt (0%): 2 pts

Apple: 0 pt
WW bread (1 slice) : 1 pt

Chicken Breast (4.5 oz.): 5 pts
Rice (3/4 cup): 4 pts
Veggies: 0 pts

Fat free pudding: 2 pts

Banana muffin: 2 pts

Day's total:  27 pts

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Sunday, Fun Day

Happy Sunday Teaspoons, 
I don't usually like Sundays: you know it's back to reality the next morning and you have to get back in the routine (lunch making, alarm setting, etc.). Today actualy turned out ok though! My (skinny) boyfriend and I woke up to a snow storm. We went outside to shovel a little which meant I got a little bit of exercise in. We then decided to go for a walk in the blizzard. Came back, ate lunch and went out again! With winds gusting at 100km/h and with rocks to hop on and off from, I came back home with rosy cheek and a elevated heart rate! Now I'm a little soar everywhere and it feels great! Who knew a stormy day wod turn out into a full day of working out? I now feel rejuvenated and ready for the week ahead! 

Hope you made the best out of your weekend too! 
Till tomorrow, keep on tracking!

Point plus target: 28 pts (NEW)
1 banana : 0 pt
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts

WW bagel: 3 pts
Eggs (2): 4 pts
Potatoes: 3pts
Oil: 1 pt
Ham: 1 pt
Apple: 0 pt

Pork (5oz): 7pts
Rice: 4 pts
Broccoli: 0 pt
Oil: 1 pt

Fat free pudding: 2 pts

Day's total:  27 pts

Friday, 14 February 2014

Cupid's and Chocolate's- Day

Happy Valentine's Day Teaspoons!

Hope you had a great day!  I like to think of valentine's day as a day where you can celebrate ALL your relationships! So celebrate the love you have for your friends, your lover and your family.  Thank them for whatever makes you love them so much.  So to all my friends out there, HAPPY V-DAY!  I thank you and I love you all because you support me trough this whole process.

So enjoy yourself, drink a glass of wine and heck, take a small piece of that chocolate cake!  Just make sure to track it!  That's what's important.

Here's the cake I made today for v-day! :) 

Have a great weekend everyone! I'll write again on Sunday.
Till then, keep on tracking and loving!

Point plus target: 28 pts (NEW)
1 banana : 0 pt
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts

WW bagel: 3 pts
Fat free cheese slice: 1 pt
Ham: 1 pt
Yogurt (0%): 2 pts

Apple: 0 pts
Strawberries: 0 pts

Pork tenderloin:
Rice: 4 pts
Beets: 0 pt
Red Wine (2x5oz.): 8 pts

Double Treasure Chocolate Cake (1/24 of cake (61g): 5 pts

Day's total:  31 pts
Extra weekly points used today: 3pts 

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Squash it!

Good Day Teaspoons! 

Today, I squashed my hunger with spaghetti squash! I've never had spaghetti squash before but people at work who are on WW were talking about it lately and my friend K had send me a spaghetti squash recipe. So today, I decided to make it! It was good and super easy to make! It also has a low point value since spaghetti squash is 0 Pts. I calculated the whole thing and it's about 7 pts+ for a quarter of the casserole. 


1 whole spaghetti squash
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 red pepper, diced
1 zucchini, diced
1 carrot, shredded
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tomato, diced
16 ounces tomato sauce
4 ounces shredded mozzarella cheese
1/4 cup shredded Parmesan


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Poke spaghetti squash all over with a knife and cook in the microwave for eight to 12 minutes until soft. If you don't have a microwave, place the poked squash on a baking pan and bake at 375 degrees for 45 to 60 minutes. While that's cooking, add the oil, garlic, pepper, zucchini, and carrots to a pan, cooking over medium heat.
  3. Cut the squash in half, scoop out the seeds, and with a fork, scrape the flesh from the peel. It should flake off easily in strings, resembling spaghetti. Place the spaghetti squash flesh in a casserole dish. Add the cooked veggies, diced tomato, sauce, and most of the cheese and mix well. Sprinkle leftover cheese on top and bake for 30 minutes or until the cheese is bubbly.
  4. Allow to cool for five minutes, serve, and enjoy!
  5. Link:

You could easily add some chicken in the there if you wanted to add meat. Hope you'll enjoy it :) 
Point plus target: 28 pts (NEW)
1 banana : 0 pt
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts

Rappie pie: 3 pts
Soup: 1 pt
Yogurt (0%): 2 pts

Apple: 0 pts
Banana muffin: 2 pts

Squash casserole: 10pts

Rice Krispies: 3 Pts
Milk: 1 pt
Pudding: 2 pts

Day's total:  25 pts

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Another Week Has Past

Good day Teaspoons!

It's already my 5th week of being back on track and I lost another 2.2 pounds.  It's crazy how fast time is passing by and how pounds are shedding off my body.  I'm proud to say that I lost 14.4 pounds since January 6th and it feels great!

My friend Melissa texted me yesterday to tell me she had lost 5 pounds this week.  We started this whole process together and she is doing great too.  I wanted to give her a shout out to tell her how proud I that she's making so many great changes in her life in order to be healthy for herself and for her little girl (who is growing up way too fast).

Now, I want to hear about YOUR accomplishments!  Whether it be weight-loss related or not.  Did you land your dream job?  Did you finally ran that 5K you always wanted to run?  Did you go to your first swim class?  Did you ask that cute Barista out? Did you finish that book about self-empowerment?  I want to hear (read) it all in the comment box below so I can give a shout out to some of you who are reading this!  It feels awesome to hear about other people's hard work paying off!  So start writing!

Till tomorrow, keep on doing things that makes YOU happy!

Point plus target: 28 pts (NEW)
Bagel: 3 pts
1 banana : 0 pt
Light Peanut Butter: 2 pts
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts

Fricot (chicken stew): 9 pts
Bread Roll: 3 pts

Apple: 0 pts

Chicken a la king stuffing: 4 pts
Shell: 10 pts
Fries: 4 pts

Day's total: 36 pts
Weekly Point allowance used today:  8 pts

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Be My Valentine?

Good evening Teaspoons!

How did you Tuesday go?  Only one more day before the weight-in.  We'll see tomorrow what kind of impact my trip to my parent's house did on the scale.

Valentine's day is coming up quickly!  The store are filled with teddy bears, hearts and chocolates.  What are you're plans for V-day?  Are you planning a romantic supper with your love one?  Or a fun outing with your single girl friends? What ever you will choose to do on Friday night, it will most then likely involve food.  So here's a few trick to survive V-Day.

1)  Make SURE that your boyfriend/girlfriend realise that buying you chocolate won't make you happy but rather annoyed (because you will be tempted to eat some).  So point him/her towards other things you might rather get.  Think flowers, a gift card, a good book, a card, a hug or a kiss (I rather have a hug or a kiss anyways).

2) Don't stop yourself from going to the restaurant if that's what you want to do.  As I said many times before, you can still have a life even though you are tracking what you're eating!  So plans ahead!
                     - Do a quick workout that day so you'll have extra activity points;
                     - Look at the menu online (if available) and choose wisely before going. 
                     - If you are really hungry because your restaurant reservation is later in the evening,                 
                       eat something before going! We tend to make poor choices when we are hungry because
                       everything looks good on the menu;
                     - Stay away from words like "creamy", "buttery" and "fried".

3) Have fun! Valentine's day should be about spending some quality time with someone you love.  Whether it be your boyfriend/girlfriend, a family member or a friend.  So enjoy your night and do something fun!  Go bowling, go to the movies, go shopping, go for a walk, etc.  As long as you are enjoying each other's company, that's what counts!

Point plus target: 29 pts
Lightly sweetened quick oats (Apple cinnamon): 3 pts
1 banana : 0 pt
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts

1 apple: 0 pt

Green salad: 0 pts
Half an egg: 1 pts
Olive oil (2 teaspoons): 2 pts
Chicken: 2 pts
Cheese: 1 pt
Greek yogurt (2%): 3 pts

Strawberries: 0pt

Moose (5 oz.): 7 pts
Mashed potatoes: 5 pts
Cauliflower: 0pts

Fat free pudding: 2 pts

Day's total: 27 pts

Monday, 10 February 2014

Monday, Not-So-Blah Day

Happy Monday Teaspoons,

Monday isn't the most popular day of the week for most people.  Its arrival means we have to go back to work, go to bed early, pack lunches and plan meals.  When Monday arrives, we usually want to stay under the covers and ignore it.  Instead of ignoring it, I decided this week, to embrace it and see it as a gift.  Monday is encouraging me to plan my week, stay on track and give myself new goals for the new week ahead.  It's also telling me that I only have two more days before the weight-in so I have to re-start drinking lots of water and try to keep fit.

I wanted to share a little moment of panic I had yesterday.  It all started at lunch time when I just couldn't resist a slice of pizza from my (skinny) boyfriend and I favourite pizzeria.  At first, I felt bad that I had ate a slice.  I kept thinking to myself that this meant that I had fail for that day and that I would surely gain weight this week.  I then sat down and started to track what I ate that day.  Turns out the slice was worth 8 pts and that was OK because I had enough pts left to cover the slice of pizza AND my supper.  It got me thinking that I really CAN eat what I want as long as I track it.  Sometimes I tend to forget that Weight Watchers permits us to eat foods we love as long as we keep on track.

Point plus target: 29 pts
Lightly sweetened quick oats (Apple cinnamon): 3 pts
1 banana : 0 pt
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts

Apple: 0 pt

WW Bagel: 3 pts
Fat Free Cheese Slice (1): 1 pt
Soup: 1 pts
Greek yogurt (0%): 2 pts

Strawberries: 0 pts

Rappie Pie: 8 pts
Green salad: 0 pt
Oil: 2 pts

Rice Krispies (1 cup): 3 pts
Skim Milk (1/2 cup): 1 pt
Pudding (Fat Free): 2 pts

Day's total: 27 pts

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Late updates

Good Day Teaspoons! 
Sorry I haven't wrote anything in the last couple of days! Being back home meant spending time with my family and friends and I didn't take the time to write anything down. 
But here I am today, writing again. It's not because I haven't been writing that it means I lost my way on this journey! Friday, I spent the whole day skiing with my mom. It was so much fun seeing her again and spending quality time together. The weather and the snow were perfect for skiing! We had a great time on the mountain. That night, I went to a friend's house! I resist the wine to have enough points to eat a few tortillas chips with guacamole. I had to go into my extra weekly points but it was worth it! Saturday, some friends and I went to the market. I had some Babimbe, which is rice with beef. I estimated it was about 12 pts. We did some errands all day my friends and I then decided we wanted to eat supper together. Since they all know I'm on a diet, they agreed to get some groceries, split the bill and cook a healthy meal all together. Everyone helped and we had a great time! 
Now I'm on the boat again heading back home. I ate some oatmeal and a banana on the boat this morning and had a nice coffee! The sun is shining and the water is calm. It looks like it's going to be a great ride.
            Here I am with my coffee! 

Hope you had a great weekend with love ones too! 
Until tomorrow, keep on tracking! 

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Home Sweet Home

Good evening Teaspoons!

I came back home to visit my parents last night. I'm always worried about how I'm going to do (diet wise) when I'm at my parents. They cook very well and sometimes, it's easy to forget my goal.  I wrote a text to my friend yesterday saying how worries I was.  She told me to concentrate on the reasons why I was trying to lose weight and to concentrate on this.  So that's what I'm doing. I even called one of my home town friend and we went to Zumba together! I got to see her and catch up and burn calories all at the same time. Two birds, one stone!  I was able to stay on track and I plan on doing the same again tomorrow and Saturday.

Hope you tracked well today! If not, don't forget that tomorrow is a new day and try to remind yourself why you're doing it.

Point plus target: 29 pts
Lightly sweetened quick oats (Apple cinnamon): 3 pts
1 banana : 0 pt
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts

Orange: 0 pt

Grilled cheese: 4 pts
Broccoli soup: 2 pts
Yogurt: 1 pt

Grapes: 0 pts
Cereal: 3 pts
Milk: 1 pt

Chicken breast (4 oz): 4 pts
Rice (3/4 cup): 4 pts
Veggies: 0 pts

Popcorn: 5 pts

Day's total: 28 pts

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

The Turtle Wins The Race

Good day Teaspoons!

Today was my weight-in.  I'm happy to say I lost 0.4 lbs.  I know it isn't a big loss but even the smallest of achievements must be celebrated.  Like the tortoise and the hare showed us in the fable of Jean de La Fontaine, sometimes, slow and steady wins the race.  This said, I definitely want to exercise more this week in order to tone up and to lose more weight and avoid reaching a plateau.  I will take my measurements before starting to workout since I don't want to get discourage if the results don't show on the scale.

Hope you have a wonderfull hump day Teaspoons!
Untill tomorrow, keep on tracking and dishing in the comment box below!

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Think Like An Athlete

Good day Teaspoons!

Tomorrow is the weight-in.  I'm quite nervous about this week's weight-in (then again, I'm usually nervous every time I have to hop on the scale) because I'm scared that all the "little bites" I took last week will catch up to me this week.  It's never a good feeling to see that you have gained weight.  When you have put so much effort and you think that you will lose weight, it can be discouraging when the scale says otherwise.  I try not to dwell on the number that appears on the scale but instead, concentrate on what I did good that week, how I'm feeling in my clothes (or naked!) and then make a plan to do even better the next week.

So here's to always trying to get better at this weight-loss game!   Even the pro athletes always try to better themselves.  So why shouldn't we try too?  Let's do it all together!  Till next time, keep on tracking!

And here's a picture of the great salads that one of the lunch ladies make us sometimes! Yum!

Point plus target: 29 pts
Lightly sweetened quick oats (Apple cinnamon): 3 pts
1 banana : 0 pt
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts

1 apple 0 pt

Green salad: 0 pts
Half an egg: 1 pts
Olive oil (2 teaspoons): 2 pts
Chicken: 2 pts
Cheese: 1 pt
Greek yogurt (2%): 3 pts

Strawberries: 0pt

Chili (1 cup): 6 pts
Egg Noodles (1 cup): 5 pts

Fat free pudding: 2 pts
Whole wheat soda crackers (6): 2 pts
After Eight (1 piece): 1 pt

Day's total: 29 pts

Monday, 3 February 2014

Scream It Off The Top Of Buildings!

Good evening Teaspoons!

How did your day go? Did you keep on track? Only two more days before weight-in.  I did track all week but did not exercise and did not drink a lot of water so we'll have to wait and see what the scale will say.

Are you shy about telling people you're on Weight Watchers?  I use to be. I was scared that if I told people, it would make them realise that I was fat and needed to lose weight.  I know this sounds dumb because they could obviously see that I wasn't at a healthy weight but still, I just could not get around to telling people...until I realise that it was ME who didn't want to acknowledge that I was on a diet, and therefore, not at a healthy weight. It took until one of my prof at university asked us to write a paper about something we were ready to change about ourselves that had bugged us all our lives that I decided to to face on my weight problem and all the troubles I had encounter trough my life because of it: the bullying, feeling different, being scared of going to parties or to school, etc.  I wrote all about it in my paper and gave myself the challenge to lose 30 pounds during that school year... And I did it! Those are the first 30 pounds I lost on WW.  Because we had to talk about our goal every week in class (we were a very tight group of 7 girls in my master degree class so I was quite comfortable to talk to them about it), I became more and more comfortable with the topic.  I soon realise that instead of judging me, my friends now made efforts to help me in my journey.  I wasn't alone anymore and that felt great!  This said, I strongly encourage you to talk about the efforts your making to lose weight to your friends and family.  If they judge you, you might want to ask yourself if you still need them in your life.  If you don't feel like you can talk to it with people close to you, why not talk to me about it? Write in the comment box below as "anonymous"! I won't know who you are but I'm sure going to be happy to listen to you! And who knows, maybe taking about it on here will help you to get the courage you need in order to talk about it with your friends and family.  And trust me, as soon as your going to start shedding pounds, you will WANT to tell people so they can celebrate with you!

Hope this topic will help you on your weight loss journey!
Talk to you tomorrow Teaspoons!

Point plus target: 29 pts
Lightly sweetened quick oats (Apple cinnamon): 3 pts
1 banana : 0 pt
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts

Apple: 0 pt

WW Bagel: 3 pts
Fat Free Cheese Slice (1): 1 pt
Soup: 1 pts
Greek yogurt (2%): 3 pts

Strawberries: 0 pts

Hamburger Helper- Beef Noodles (1 and a half cup prepared): 12 pts

Fat free pudding: 2 pts
Caramilk (one piece): 1 pt
Banana muffin: 2 pts

Day's total: 29 pts

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Weekend is Almost Over

Good evening Teaspoons,

Are you like me and you feel like the weekend always passes by too fast?  Hope you still had time to enjoy your family and friends!  I went to watch some volley-ball games at the University again and I manage to stay on track all weekend!  We had a beauty of a weekend here so I went for a walk on Saturday with my (skinny) boyfriend.

Here's the WW chili recipe I made this weekend! Let me know if ever you try it!  I really love this recipe.  Fills you up and it's really yummy on these cold winter nights.

Beef, Bean, and Zucchini Chili

Serves 6.
1 pound extra leans ground beef
1 onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 (14 and a half oz.) cans diced tomatoes
1 (15 and a half oz.) can Kidney Beans, rinsed and drained
1 (15 oz.) can tomato sauce
1 cup reduced-sodium beef broth
1 red bell pepper, diced
2 tablespoons chili powder
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1/4 teaspoons cayenne (I use 1 tablespoon but I like it spicy.  I would definitely put more than 1/4 teaspoon though)
1 medium zucchini, halved lenghtwise and sliced
24 baked tortilla chips

1. Combine beef, onion, and garlic.  Cook in a large sauce pan over medium-high heat until meat is browned.

2. Add the tomatoes, beans, tomato sauce, broth, bell pepper, chili powder, ground cumin and cayenne.  Bring to boil.  Reduce heat and let simmer for 30 minute, partly covered.  Add zucchini during the last 5 minutes of cooking.

1 generous cup per serving with 4 tortilla chips: 6 pts.

Voila!  Hope you enjoy as much as me.

Until tomorrow, keep on tracking my teaspoons!