Monday 7 April 2014

Little Update

Good evening! 

Little little fast update: had a great weekend! Saturday, went to a friend's house where we had fondu.We only had chicken, shrimps and veggies so it was a lean meal. On sunday, I went out for brunch with my boyfriend and resisted bacon! Yay me! Had a beautiful omelette! It was yummy! 

I'm happy to say that since last Wednesday, I've drank two litres of water This is a huge improvement for me because I never used to drink any water. We'll see in two days if it will makes a difference on the scale. I'm really happy with myself because I tracked all week. The only thing left to do is to start working out again! I know I can do it but I find that I'm having a hard time convincing myself to workout now that I arrive later from work than before because we moved ( so im further from work). I should still make place in my day for exercising. I keep thinking of my friend Melissa who exercises at 10 pm at night after her daughter is in bed! If she can do it at 10pm, I can certainly do it at 8pm!

Even though I've been doing really well this week, I don't expect much from the scale on Wednesday. I've been having bad habits lately so I know that it will take more then one week of staying on track to see results! I'm motivated to continue!!

Till next time, keep on tracking! 

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