Thursday 3 April 2014

Trying My Hardest!

Good evening Teaspoons! 

I'm at the end of another day of this weight loss journey and I keep telling myself "one day at a time" and "slow and steady wins the race". I'm not dwelling on the mistakes I made yesterday or the week before but instead, I'm looking foward to the days to come. 

I've had a great day today. I counted everything I ate and I feel great about it. I even drank the recommended 2 litres of water (which I almost never do)! 

Tomorrow, I'm going to lunch with a friend. I'm going to make the best choices I can at the restaurant and I'm already planing on eating a good, healthy, low in points salad for supper so I won't go over my point allowance. 

Hopefully tomorrow will go as well as today! 

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