Tuesday 1 April 2014

All Moved In

Good evening Teaspoons!

I finally got the Internet at the new place hooked up! It's so pretty here by the lake! Can't wait for the good weather to get here so I can throw the kayaks in the water and do some exercise. Unfortunately, Mother Nature is not cooperating. We had another snow day today. So what did I do? I made a sugar pie... Like really? Why oh why do I make sugar pies if I'm trying to lose weight? And it's not as if I kept on track all week. Oh no sir! I had family visiting this weekend so we ate and drank (cuz that's what we do when we're all together). Therefore, I'm expecting bad results on the scale tomorrow morning. Hopefully this week, I'll keep to my guns and follow WW.

Here's a pic of me in the sun having coffee last Saturday (only day we saw the sun in the last week). 

Till tomorrow, keep tracking! 

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