Wednesday 12 February 2014

Another Week Has Past

Good day Teaspoons!

It's already my 5th week of being back on track and I lost another 2.2 pounds.  It's crazy how fast time is passing by and how pounds are shedding off my body.  I'm proud to say that I lost 14.4 pounds since January 6th and it feels great!

My friend Melissa texted me yesterday to tell me she had lost 5 pounds this week.  We started this whole process together and she is doing great too.  I wanted to give her a shout out to tell her how proud I that she's making so many great changes in her life in order to be healthy for herself and for her little girl (who is growing up way too fast).

Now, I want to hear about YOUR accomplishments!  Whether it be weight-loss related or not.  Did you land your dream job?  Did you finally ran that 5K you always wanted to run?  Did you go to your first swim class?  Did you ask that cute Barista out? Did you finish that book about self-empowerment?  I want to hear (read) it all in the comment box below so I can give a shout out to some of you who are reading this!  It feels awesome to hear about other people's hard work paying off!  So start writing!

Till tomorrow, keep on doing things that makes YOU happy!

Point plus target: 28 pts (NEW)
Bagel: 3 pts
1 banana : 0 pt
Light Peanut Butter: 2 pts
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts

Fricot (chicken stew): 9 pts
Bread Roll: 3 pts

Apple: 0 pts

Chicken a la king stuffing: 4 pts
Shell: 10 pts
Fries: 4 pts

Day's total: 36 pts
Weekly Point allowance used today:  8 pts

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