Sunday 16 February 2014

Sunday, Fun Day

Happy Sunday Teaspoons, 
I don't usually like Sundays: you know it's back to reality the next morning and you have to get back in the routine (lunch making, alarm setting, etc.). Today actualy turned out ok though! My (skinny) boyfriend and I woke up to a snow storm. We went outside to shovel a little which meant I got a little bit of exercise in. We then decided to go for a walk in the blizzard. Came back, ate lunch and went out again! With winds gusting at 100km/h and with rocks to hop on and off from, I came back home with rosy cheek and a elevated heart rate! Now I'm a little soar everywhere and it feels great! Who knew a stormy day wod turn out into a full day of working out? I now feel rejuvenated and ready for the week ahead! 

Hope you made the best out of your weekend too! 
Till tomorrow, keep on tracking!

Point plus target: 28 pts (NEW)
1 banana : 0 pt
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts

WW bagel: 3 pts
Eggs (2): 4 pts
Potatoes: 3pts
Oil: 1 pt
Ham: 1 pt
Apple: 0 pt

Pork (5oz): 7pts
Rice: 4 pts
Broccoli: 0 pt
Oil: 1 pt

Fat free pudding: 2 pts

Day's total:  27 pts

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