Monday 10 February 2014

Monday, Not-So-Blah Day

Happy Monday Teaspoons,

Monday isn't the most popular day of the week for most people.  Its arrival means we have to go back to work, go to bed early, pack lunches and plan meals.  When Monday arrives, we usually want to stay under the covers and ignore it.  Instead of ignoring it, I decided this week, to embrace it and see it as a gift.  Monday is encouraging me to plan my week, stay on track and give myself new goals for the new week ahead.  It's also telling me that I only have two more days before the weight-in so I have to re-start drinking lots of water and try to keep fit.

I wanted to share a little moment of panic I had yesterday.  It all started at lunch time when I just couldn't resist a slice of pizza from my (skinny) boyfriend and I favourite pizzeria.  At first, I felt bad that I had ate a slice.  I kept thinking to myself that this meant that I had fail for that day and that I would surely gain weight this week.  I then sat down and started to track what I ate that day.  Turns out the slice was worth 8 pts and that was OK because I had enough pts left to cover the slice of pizza AND my supper.  It got me thinking that I really CAN eat what I want as long as I track it.  Sometimes I tend to forget that Weight Watchers permits us to eat foods we love as long as we keep on track.

Point plus target: 29 pts
Lightly sweetened quick oats (Apple cinnamon): 3 pts
1 banana : 0 pt
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts

Apple: 0 pt

WW Bagel: 3 pts
Fat Free Cheese Slice (1): 1 pt
Soup: 1 pts
Greek yogurt (0%): 2 pts

Strawberries: 0 pts

Rappie Pie: 8 pts
Green salad: 0 pt
Oil: 2 pts

Rice Krispies (1 cup): 3 pts
Skim Milk (1/2 cup): 1 pt
Pudding (Fat Free): 2 pts

Day's total: 27 pts

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