Tuesday 4 February 2014

Think Like An Athlete

Good day Teaspoons!

Tomorrow is the weight-in.  I'm quite nervous about this week's weight-in (then again, I'm usually nervous every time I have to hop on the scale) because I'm scared that all the "little bites" I took last week will catch up to me this week.  It's never a good feeling to see that you have gained weight.  When you have put so much effort and you think that you will lose weight, it can be discouraging when the scale says otherwise.  I try not to dwell on the number that appears on the scale but instead, concentrate on what I did good that week, how I'm feeling in my clothes (or naked!) and then make a plan to do even better the next week.

So here's to always trying to get better at this weight-loss game!   Even the pro athletes always try to better themselves.  So why shouldn't we try too?  Let's do it all together!  Till next time, keep on tracking!

And here's a picture of the great salads that one of the lunch ladies make us sometimes! Yum!

Point plus target: 29 pts
Lightly sweetened quick oats (Apple cinnamon): 3 pts
1 banana : 0 pt
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts

1 apple 0 pt

Green salad: 0 pts
Half an egg: 1 pts
Olive oil (2 teaspoons): 2 pts
Chicken: 2 pts
Cheese: 1 pt
Greek yogurt (2%): 3 pts

Strawberries: 0pt

Chili (1 cup): 6 pts
Egg Noodles (1 cup): 5 pts

Fat free pudding: 2 pts
Whole wheat soda crackers (6): 2 pts
After Eight (1 piece): 1 pt

Day's total: 29 pts

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