Thursday 6 February 2014

Home Sweet Home

Good evening Teaspoons!

I came back home to visit my parents last night. I'm always worried about how I'm going to do (diet wise) when I'm at my parents. They cook very well and sometimes, it's easy to forget my goal.  I wrote a text to my friend yesterday saying how worries I was.  She told me to concentrate on the reasons why I was trying to lose weight and to concentrate on this.  So that's what I'm doing. I even called one of my home town friend and we went to Zumba together! I got to see her and catch up and burn calories all at the same time. Two birds, one stone!  I was able to stay on track and I plan on doing the same again tomorrow and Saturday.

Hope you tracked well today! If not, don't forget that tomorrow is a new day and try to remind yourself why you're doing it.

Point plus target: 29 pts
Lightly sweetened quick oats (Apple cinnamon): 3 pts
1 banana : 0 pt
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts

Orange: 0 pt

Grilled cheese: 4 pts
Broccoli soup: 2 pts
Yogurt: 1 pt

Grapes: 0 pts
Cereal: 3 pts
Milk: 1 pt

Chicken breast (4 oz): 4 pts
Rice (3/4 cup): 4 pts
Veggies: 0 pts

Popcorn: 5 pts

Day's total: 28 pts

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