Monday 24 February 2014

Tips and Tricks

Good day Teaspoons!

I'm seeking ideas today! After catching the end of Queen's Latifah talk show today after my work out, I was wondering what YOU do to lose weight? They were giving some tips on the show: eat green veggies, eat citrus fruits, take pro-biotic, always have a tea tumbler with you for green tea on the go and of course, exercise. Do you have "go-to" things/tricks that you do that help you shred the pounds and/or keep healthy? Let me know in the comment box bellow! 

Here's a picture of the stairs I climbed up and down today during my workout! 

Till next time, keep on moving and tracking! 

1 banana : 0 pt
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts
Lightly sweetened oats: 3 pts

WW bagel: 3 pts
Fat free cheese slice: 1 pt
Ham: 1 pt
Greek Yogurt (0%): 2 pts

Apple: 0 pt
Yellow peppers: 0 pt
Hummus: 1 pt

Spaghetti (1 and 1/2 cup): 8 pts
Spaghetti sauce: 3 pts

Fat free pudding: 2 pts
Rice Krispies: 2 pts
Milk: 1 pt

Day's total:  28 pts
Activity points gained today: 2 pts

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