Wednesday 19 February 2014

The First Gain Is The Hardest

Good evening Teaspoons,

Weight-in was today. First gain in 7 weeks. I gain 0.8 pounds. I'm not discourage but a little disappointed. This said, the gain is one more reason to shift in 2nd gear and continue this whole process. 

Today, my reason WHY I'm going trough this journey is to be able to feel good in the clothes I use to wear that are now too tight. I can't wait to fit in them again.

So instead of dwelling on the gain, I put my sneakers on today and did a little work out! So here's to not giving up! 

Tomorrow, I have to go to Halifax for some meetings. Like last time, I'm nervous  about going off track while there. I'm going to follow my tips from last time and try to do my best in the city. 

Till next time, keep your head up!

Point plus target: 28 pts
1 banana : 0 pt
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts
WW bread : 2 pts
Light penut butter: 2 pts

Hamburger helper (no meat): 8 pts

Pizza: 12 pts

Chocolate cake: 5 pts
Chips: 6 pts

Day's total:  36 pts
Activity points gained: 2 pts
Weekly points used today: 6 pts

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