Wednesday 22 January 2014

Another Loss

Good evening Teaspoons, 

It's another Loss this week! Indeed, I lost 1.8 pounds since last Wednesday. This means that I've lost 10.6 pounds since January 6th. I'm really happy with this week's lost. This said, the "real work" now starts. As I said yesterday, I'm giving myself the challenge of not eating little bites here and there which can add points to my daily total quite fast. 

We had a snow day today, which meant no school. I had time to make another batch of cabbage soup! I also made a cake with fondant frosting that I will bring to the school tomorrow. Luckily, I don't like cake that much so it isn't hard for me to resist the temptation of eating some.. 

I wanted to shovel because that's great exercise but because of my recent surgery, I couldn't. Instead, my (skinny) boyfriend and I went for a walk on the beach in the blizzard. The weather was crazy! We came back with rosy cheeks. 

How did your weight-in go this week? Sometimes we think we are going to lose more than we actually do and it can be quite discouraging. Just remember that during this whole weight loss journey, you are working hard on making healthier choices and that's what's important. And you have to remember that you will more than likely gain weight some weeks. You just have to keep your head high and keep on tracking! 

Point plus target: 29
WW English Muffin: 3 pts
Light Penut Butter: 2 pts
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts

Egg: 2 pts
Bread (1 slice): 3 pts
Cheese: 2 pts
Potatoes: 3 pts

Chicken Pizza (2 slices): 14 pts
Beer: 5 pts

Half a Kit Kat: 3 pts

Day's total: 38 pts
Weekly Point allowance used today: 9 pts

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