Sunday 12 January 2014

The Weekend is Almost Over

The weekend is almost over and so is my first week of being back on track. How did your weekend go my little teaspoons? 

As I said on Friday, I saved some of my weekly allowance points to be able to eat a homemade bagel at the market. Well turns out when my boyfriend and I got there, out bagel master wasn't. Sure I could of went off track and stopped at a restaurant and order breakfast. Instead, we decided to go the the groceries store, buy some eggs and English muffins and made some Eggs Benedict's without the Hollander's sauce. Here's a picture of it. I added 3oz of potatoes mixed with mushrooms and onions and a little bit of yogurt with pomegranate. It was a mighty good brunch! You will find the point plus value of everything below. 

We got a rain storm on Saturday night so we didn't do much which helped me stayed on track. What did you do this weekend and how did you stay on track? Let me know by writing in the comment box bellow. 
Here's my weekend's tracking. Can't wait to read what you did this weekend!
Until next time, keep on tracking my teaspoons!

Point plus target: 30

Banana: 0 pt
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts
English muffin: 4 pts
Eggs (2): 4 pts
Ham: 1 pt
Potatoes: 3 pts
Yogurt: 2 pts
Pomegranate: 0 pt
Oil: 1 pt

Pulled Pork: 8 pts
Pie crust: 1pt
Oil (2 tsp): 2 pts
Green Salad: 0 pts

Fat Free Pudding: 2 pts
Banana Bread muffin (1): 3 pts
Chocolate: 2 pts

Activity points earned: 0 pt
Weekly Point allowance used today: 3 pts
Day's total: 33 pts

Point plus target: 30

Fricot: 9 pts
Half a bun: 2 pts

Leftovers mix:
Pulled Pork Pie: 6 pts
Pasta (1 cup): 5 pts
Chicken (2 oz.): 2 pts
Brown Sugar (1 Tbsp): 1 pt

Fat Free Pudding: 2 pts
Soda crackers (6): 2 pts

Activity points earned: 0 pt
Weekly Point allowance used today: 0 pts
Day's total: 29 pts

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