Tuesday 28 January 2014

Don't Dwell On It

Good day teaspoons,

So if you have read my two last posts, you know that I have not been having the greatest week (diet wise) and that yesterday, I decided to turn the page and look at the start of the week for what it: a new start!

Yesterday went really well.  I kept on track and kept my head high.  I'm definitely planning on doing the same thing today.  I won't let myself dwell on last week's turn out and will concentrate on today!  Tomorrow is weight-in day and I'm guessing that I will have gained weight.  Tomorrow when I will hop on the scale, I'm planing on concentrating on what I'm writing right now and continue with my tracking since I know that it works.

Talking about yesterday, I want to give a shout out to my best friend, J.  I received a letter from her in the mail saying that she was reading my blog every day and that it helped her in her weight loss journey.  J is a great inspiration for me.  She has lost a huge amount of weight and got in shape at the same time by going to the gym.  I was happy to hear that I was also an inspiration for her.  She was also telling me in her letter that she was going out of time for work for 4 days and was already panicking a little because she didn't know if she could keep on track while out of town.  In tomorrow's post, I will talk about little things you can do to keep on track while out of town.  If you have some ideas, write them in the comment box below and I'll add them to tomorrow's post.

Till then, keep on tracking and reading my teaspoons!

Point plus target: 29 pts
Lightly sweetened quick oats (Apple cinnamon): 3 pts
1 banana : 0 pt
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts

1 pear: 0 pt

Green salad: 0 pts
Half an egg: 1 pts
Olive oil (2 tea spoons): 2 pts
Chicken: 2 pts
Cheese: 1 pt
Greek yogurt (0%): 2 pts

Strawberries: 0pt

Chicken: 7 pts
Rice: 5 pts
Cauliflower: 0pts

Fat free pudding: 2 pts
Whole wheat soda crackers (6): 2 pts

Day's total: 28 pts

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