Tuesday 21 January 2014

Moment Of Truth

Good day Teaspoons!

Tomorrow is the moment of truth.  The moment where I'll see if I just had beginners luck last week or if I will lose weight again this week.  Can't wait to hop on the scale and see.  If I lost, great! If I didn't I know exactly what to change.  I realise that I often eat bites here and there of food.  I'll grab bites off my (skinny) boyfriend's plate (as if he needs less calories in his day!) or grab some in the teacher's lounge at work. These "little bites" can make quite an impact on the scale.  So whether I lose or gain this week, my goal for next week not to eat any of these "little bites".

Today went pretty good all in all.  Went for a walk after work with the (skinny) boyfriend.  It's definitely more fun to go for a walk with someone.  So next time you're heading out, why not invite your loved one, a member of your family or your friend to stroll along with you?  You'll be able to catch up AND lose weight! THAT's what I call a winning combo!

I'll definitely let you know what the scale said tomorrow in my blog.
Till then, keep on tracking and on commenting in the box below!

Point plus target: 29
Lightly sweetened quick oats (Apple cinnamon): 3 pts
1 banana : 0 pt
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts

Green Salad: 0pt
1/2 egg: 1 pt
Olive Oil (2 tspoon): 2 pts
Chicken: 2 pts
Cheese: 1 pt
Greek yogurt (2%): 3 pts

Apple: 0 pts

Supper: Leftovers
PC Blue Hamburger Bun: 4 pts
Extra Lean Ground Beef (4 oz.): 4 pts
Potatoes (5 oz.): 3 pts

Fat free pudding: 2 pts
Banana bread: 2 pts

Day's total: 28 pts
Exercise Gained Points: 1 pt

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