Tuesday 21 January 2014

Last Day Before The First Weight In

Happy Tuesday Teaspoons!

Tomorrow is THE day.  The day I'll get weighted after a week and a half of being back on track.  I'm apprehensive at the idea of getting weighted because the number that will appear on the scale could either motivate me to continue or I could get totally discouraged.  This said, I'm deciding right now that no matter what number appears on the scale, I will be overjoyed. Overjoyed because I will have tracked my meals every day.  Overjoyed because I will have written something in my blog every day.  Overjoyed because I'm finally doing something to feel better and to lose weight instead of just wishing upon a star.  Overjoyed because I have taken my life and health into my own hands!

I'm very happy to announce that I have finally found a place where they give Zumba classes which is close to home.  This means that as soon as my doctor gives me the ok to workout again, I will have a place to move to the music again.  I've been missing Zumba so much since moving to Nova-Scotia.  I really can't wait to try this place out.  I'll let you know how it is.  For those of you out there who have never tried Zumba, I recommend that you try it at lease 3-4 times.  The first time is never really fun because you can hardly follow the moves.  You will soon find out that once you get the groves of things and the basics down, Zumba becomes a real workout but where there's still place to have fun and to laugh (at yourself mostly).

My friend Nicole gave me the idea of making a mini pizza on a wrap for lunch to mix things up.  I will be trying it this week so stay tuned...

Don't miss tomorrow's post for some more dish on my weight loss journey!

Point plus target: 30
Lightly sweetened quick oats (Apple cinnamon): 3 pts
1 banana : 0 pt
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts

1 apple: 0 pt

Green salad: 0 pts
Half an egg: 1 pts
Olive oil (2 tea spoons): 2 pts
Chicken: 2 pts
Greek yogurt (0%): 2 pts

Melon: 0pt
Banana Bread muffin: 2 pt

Chicken: 7 pts
Rice: 5 pts
Broccoli: 0pts

Fat free pudding: 2 pts
Whole wheat soda crackers (6): 2 pts

Day's total: 29 pts


  1. You go girl!!!! Whatever the result may be, you're doing everything for the right reasons... dont you ever forget that! I'm sure you'll do great! Once you've put your mind to something, you stick with it... strong! Just think of us sitting in those Wednesday night meetings... being an inspiration for some and being inspired by others... it is a journey, but when you make the best of it, it is a great journey regardless of the hurdles you have to overcome. Have faith my friend... all will fall into place (and off the scale!). -F-

    1. Thanks F for your words of encouragement!
