Friday 10 January 2014


Happy Friday my Teaspoons!

The weekend is finally here! Did you plan in consequence?  I sure did.  I will be going to the Farmer’s Market tomorrow morning and made sure that I had enough weekly allowance points left so I could get one of those homemade bagels that are so good. I also save some points to be able to drink a glass of wine with my honey tonight. 

I am anxious to see how much weight, if any, I lost this week.  I will get weighted on Wednesday. I’ll write my results on here for you to see.  I’m bracing myself because I know that often, the first week on Weight Watchers, you don’t see much result on the scale.  This usually happens because your body, who is receiving less calories then before, thinks that you are starving it.  Because of this, it will try to keep in all the calories you are eating.  But don’t get discourage!  The second time you’ll hop on that scale (the second week), you’ll usually have dropped some weight.  So just keep on tracking!  This brings me to another thing I wanted to write to you about.  I think that it is very important that you take your measurements.  My first time around on Weight Watchers, I would sometimes get discourage because I would hop on the scale and wouldn’t see any results even though I had exercise a lot.  It’s important to take note of your measurements since often while doing a lot of exercises you’ll lose inches but not pounds.  I’m going to take my measurements this weekend!

Here’s a picture of tonight’s supper.  I wanted to make something that was easy (it IS Friday after all, i.e. Time to RELAX).  I had some left over chicken from that chicken I made two nights ago in the slow cooker so I decided to make some club sandwich.  You’ll find the point plus value of it all below.

Have a great weekend my Teaspoons! Can’t wait to hear from you and your achievements with your weight loss!

Point plus target: 30
Lightly sweetened quick oats (Apple cinnamon): 3 pts
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts

1 apple: 0 pt

Home made cabbage soup (2 cups): 3 pts
WW bagel: 3 pts
Light Philadelphia Cream Cheese (1 T. spoon): 1 pt
Greek yogurt (2%): 3 pts

Banana: 0pt
Black coffee: 0 pt

WW Bread (2 slices): 2 pts
Cheese slice (Fat Free): 1 pt
Bacon (1 slice): 3 pts
Turkey (2 slices): 0.5 pt
Chicken Breast (2.5 oz.): 2.5 pts
Frozen fries (85g): 3 pts
Red wine (5 fluid oz.): 4 pts

Fat Free Pudding: 2 pts

Activity points earned: 0 pt
Weekly Point allowance used today: 2 pts
Day's total: 32 pts

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