Thursday 30 January 2014

Weekend Straight Ahead

Happy Thursday Teaspoons!

Only one more day of work before the weekend!  What are your plans for the weekend?  How will YOU stay on track?  Make sure to let me know in the comment box below! I love reading your comments!

I should have a pretty smooth sailing weekend diet wise since I do not have any big plans.  We are going to go watch the university boys and girls teams play some volley-ball.  Since they are playing at 6pm on Saturday, I'm planning to eat a good snack before going, bring a fruit with me to eat there and I'll put something in the slow cooker so that we'll be able to eat as soon as we get home because I'm sure that I will be famish!

We had a stir-fry tonight.  It was really good! I made my own sauce with Soy Sauce, Oyster Sauce, a drop of Sesame Oil, ginger and garlic.  I love stir-fry because you can basically eat as much veggies as you want.  I put a little bit of chicken to add protein and ate it on a bed of rice. Voila! Supper was  done!

Point plus target: 29 pts
Lightly sweetened quick oats (Apple cinnamon): 3 pts
1 banana : 0 pt
1/2 cup of skim milk: 1 pts

Apple: 0 pt

WW Bagle: 3 pts
Cream Cheese Cheese (light): 1 pt
Soup: 2 pts
Greek yogurt (2%): 3 pts

Kiwi: 0 pts
Almonds (5): 1 pt

Chicken: 3 pts
Stir-fry sauce: 2 pts
Veggies: 0pts
Rice: 4 pts

Fat free pudding: 2 pts
Rice Krispies: 3 pts
Milk: 1 pt

Day's total: 29 pts

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