Thursday 23 January 2014

Another Snow Day

Good day teaspoons!
Well we had another snow day today in beautiful Nova-Scotia! I found it quite hard to follow my challenge that I gave myself yesterday, which is not to eat random little bites here and there. I find it quite harder to follow my diet when I'm home rather then when I'm at work: it takes a lot more will power. This said, I am not beating myself up because I was still conscious of everything I ate today, tracked and went outside for some fresh air and a short walk.
I tried a new recipe today. It was a "freezer meal" which means you prepare it all and put it in a large Zip Lock bag and freeze it. The day you are ready to eat it, you unfreeze it and put it in the slow cooker. We had the Ranch Chicken today and I have to say that it wasn't our favourite. We both taught you couldn't taste much of the ranch and it was quite bland. I'm still happy we tried it out because you never know when you're going to try the best recipe ever! 

Hope your day went well too!
Keep me posted on your journey! 
Point plus target: 29
Rice Krispies: 3 pts
1 cup of skim milk: 2 pts

Egg: 2 pts
Bread (1 slice): 3 pts
Ham: 1 pt
Hunter sauce: 1 pt
Mushrooms: 0 pt

Pinapple: 0 pt

Chicken: 6 pts
Sauce (1/8th): 2 pts
Rice: 5 pts
Veggies: 0 pts

Fat Free Pudding: 2 pts

Day's total: 27 pts

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